Parish Council Meeting – 8th January 2025
- To consider any apologies
- For new Councillor to sign acceptance of office and associated documentation
- To update Councillors Declarations of Interest and receive any declaration regarding agenda items
- Public participation, County and District Councillors reports
- To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th November 2024
- To report Matters Arising from the Minutes not on the agenda – for information only
- To note correspondence as listed on the attached schedule and which are not separate agenda items
- Finance: Papers to be distributed prior to the meeting where possible
- To approve the attached report of payments and receipts since the previous meeting
- To approve the monthly statement of accounts for
- To approve the 3rd quarter reconciliation
- To approve the Precept and Budget for the next financial year 2025/2026
- Planning Applications as received from South Norfolk Council for consultation
- To discuss planning application 2024/3728
- To receive consultees reports on planning decisions
- To discuss Don Swanton Award and Litter pick preparations and take any necessary actions
- Highways Update
- Recreation Ground Report
- A.O.B. To note that Clerk has received annual appraisal
To confirm the date and place for the next meeting and items for inclusion on the agenda